Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Emotional Vampire

Emotional Vampires are a real threat people. They can't be taken out with silver bullets, wooden stakes through the heart or by direct sunlight. Don't worry about eating garlic either as the only way to stave off an Emotional Vampire is to pretend you are a bean bag when they come into the room. If you don't breathe, they can't see you. Every family has an Emotional Vampire and they can be found virtually anywhere. Though they do not glitter in the sunlight, you can spot them by the needy looks on their faces and the tiny glass jar of souls they carry with them.

This is the story of a friend of mine who I will name Oz who was nearly killed to death by an Emotional Vampire. Since I can not re-enact these dramatic scenes for you by interpretive dance, I have asked Hobo Harry to draw some pictures for you. Warning: What you are about to read is horrifying...

Oz took on the position as "The Boss" at a magnetic shower curtain plant after her predecessors sudden dissappearance.
It soon became obvious some of her team-members required a little more attention than most.
She met those needs with a smile on a daily basis, even offering Needy special side projects and frequent coaching.
Needy could be impatient and demanding, still Oz was willing to adress Needy's concerns and continued giving her some extra special attention even...
though she was quite busy with her role as "The Boss."
She always made time......
Always....though the constant demands had begun to wear her down.

No place was sacred.

Yup...Oz was still trying to go the extra mile for Needy...though she grew cold form the constant blood loss and could no longer feel her legs.
Then one day Needy found out she had sucked all the blood out of Oz. She simply didn't have another drop left. So she drug Oz's body to the Boss of Bosses and declared that she needed a new Oz as this one wasn't suiting her needs anymore. Needy told Oz's boss that Oz never paid attention to her and was a big meany head. Oz was too tired to fight.
The Boss of Bosses had long ago suspected that Needy was behind the dissappearance of Oz's predessesor, but she had no real proof. There was no way to get rid of the beast and since they could not Sparta kick Needy into a deep dark hole, Oz was moved into the basement with the rats for her own protection. There Oz tried to regain her strength and was given a rum and coke transfusion followed by a Bloody Mary. The Office was unable to kill off the Needy so she continued to devour more souls until she had grown too large to fit into the building anymore.

I joke about Emotional Vampireism but it is a really real thing. Chances are you know at least one. Not sure if the person beating down your office door is a vampire? Here is an excerpt from Judith Orloff MD'S site :

Types of Emotional Vampires
  1. The Narcissist
  2. Their motto is "Me first." Everything is all about them. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement, hog attention and crave admiration. They're dangerous because they lack empathy and have a limited capacity for unconditional love. If you don't do things their way, they become punishing, withholding or cold.
  3. The Victim
  4. These vampires grate on you with their "poor-me" attitude. The world is always against them, the reason for their unhappiness. When you offer a solution to their problems they always say, "Yes, but..." You might end up screening your calls or purposely avoid them. 
  5. The Controller
  6. These people obsessively try to control you and dictate how you're supposed to be and feel. They have an opinion about everything. They'll control you by invalidating your emotions if they don't fit into their rulebook. 
  7. The Constant Talker
  8. These people aren't interested in your feelings. They are only concerned with themselves. You wait for an opening to get a word in edgewise but it never comes.
  9. The Drama Queen
These people have a flair for exaggerating small incidents into off-the-chart dramas.  Always late for work or absent.

Know anyone who needs constant attention, admiration and praise, even for the really small stuff? Do they act weird around you if you didn't answer their e-mail right away? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you better practice your bean bag skills or move to Antarctica.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

CareBear Stare

So I was in serious need of a good ol Fashioned CareBear Stare. I look back on my posts over the last year and realize what a selfish, ungrateful total bitch I am.  And if you had asked me if I thought I was a good person, I would have said yes. I wasn't. I'm not. I have a lot of growing and learning to do which is mainly why I created this blog. Well, that and I was delusional and thought maybe people would find my narcissistic ramblings humorous and to a degree they are, but re-reading some of them is painful and not just because of the grammatical errors and terrible puns. Growing hurts. I took some time off from blogging and gaming and have been doing some soul searching. I realized that my posts had been increasingly negative, pitiful, and I had been walking around with this poor me chip on my shoulder for far too long. I have been more negative at home and at work and it took a while for me to find the root of it all.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

How Warcraft Sucked Me Back In and Wood Working...Will Blizz Make It Happen?

 So, WarCraft sucked me back in after almost 6 months of vacation. It started with an e-mail I thought was a scam. "Come Join us Ozmarelda for a Seven Day Free Trial." The e-mail sat in my inbox for a while. But every time I checked to See what Karate Unicorn was up to, there it a beating heart...pulsing. The Viking got one too that he had been trying to ignore as well. Then one day we buckled. There we were sitting at our desk checking our e-mails when suddenly, we looked at each other, making direct eye contact and somehow knew without saying a word that we needed to activate this seven day trial. It had to be done.

Upon logging in, I was supposed to see that all of my toons still had their clothes on. There they were, staring at me. The 5 sisters who were transferred to Grizzly Hills from Arygos against their will then left alone in the black void  created by the guildageddon inevitably brought on by really bad players, ridiculous changes, a terrible immature and inexperienced server and an overly "nice and accommodating" guild leader. The guild was pretty empty. The few surviving members of our guildageddon shown like green nebulas against the pitch black space when I opened the roster. The guild bank seemed....dusty.

Trade chat was still ridiculous, but most servers have their trolls and retards and trade chat queens and kings who scream for attention like unloved children. I ignored the retardation and looked around at a few things, but still...I found I had no desire to be there. I did miss my friends. I had a lot of friends on many servers, whom Blizzards real-ID allowed me to still talk to so I hit them up to say HI! before I dissappeared again.

Whats this you say? A whole new area has opened up? Dailies? blech.
What? They are cool dailies like the on the Isle of QD?
OOOh new gear?
What? More gold?  
New mounts?

This interested me. I had to see what this new place was all about. Now, if you ahve ever rolled with me for any length oftime you'd know how much I hate dailies. I hate dailies so much that I still have never gotten exalted with the Kaluak or the Oracles, or the Netherwing people, or Ogrilla or anyone on purpose. I hate dailies, especially the Oracles because I had to fly all over the effing place. But, I was going to suck it up and give these new dailies a shot.

The quests start out in Hyjal and for some reason my Hunter who had half of those quests completed had to start from scratch. I assumed maybe the quest lines had changed so I did them again with the viking. To my surprise there was a lot of new stuff going on. I even had to save Thrall and once again he is totally not going to remember me, but that quest line was awesome.  I have a toon crush on Thrall and I don't care if I am alliance. Rippling hard body of green muscles...Expressive sky blue eyes. Looking at him is like looking at the rolling green hills of Ireland against the ..(record scratch)

Moving on...

Anyway, once I had phased into the new area called Firelands, I was able to see some of the new stuff Blizz had come out with.

Holy shit.

There are fire spiders, and fiery druid lions and  druid bears, OH MY! And, the dailies are not ridiculous. I mean it, I did not sped a ton of time doing them and I didn’t have to run all over the effing place and the rewards you can get for doing them....amazing. (jazz hands)

So we explored the place some more, accidentally got an achievement called "King of Spider Hill" which was fun as hell to do. I must say, everyone needs to get this achieve or at least try.

What's this? ZG and ZA my all time favorite instance next to Kara have been made into 5 man heroics? And even better I can run with my friends on Arygos and Icecrown if they are on my realID? There are new mounts? There's a reward for tanks and healers (sometimes DPS) if they tank randoms so the wait time is less retarded for DPS? No way.

I ran with my old friends form Arygos and some of the friends I had made on the Hills and it was awesome. A perfect balance except for me noobing it up because I couldn't remember rotation or skills. I am still very skiddish to attempt tanking again for a while since I beat my head against the wall so many times in the heroics before. At least on my hunter if the group is terrible I don't feel like I am responsible for it.

The Viking renewed my account. I was still hesitant, but he was not and so I decided I'd give Blizz 30 days to win me back as 7 days was just not enough. Slowly my guild came back to life. One by one guildies who had left after the guildageddon began logging on.  Guild chat was alive again, vent was reactivated....conversations were happening. Some of the players who were shit terrible now out geared me and were schooling me on rotations. This is good I thought.....I,m not holding hands. I like I like!

and then it happened....

I effing tamed Sambas. That bastard cat I had been hunting for forever landed right in front of me in Twilight Highlands and so did the rare cat in Zul Drak, and the bear in Grizzly Hills,  and the spirit cat in Schollazar. Then I discovered Winterspring has new pets and a mount you can get and the daily grind is not too horrible though I probably still won’t do it.

Ok Blizzard, you win for now. You applied pressure on all of my weak points. I give I give! Friends, pets, old raids, mounts, fun achieves, new goodies and gear. Now...if you can update the holiday events and implement wood working as a trade I'll be hooked for good lol.

Speaking of woodworking. I remember a few Blizzcons back woodowrking was once again brought up and the developers said they just couldn't seem to make it viable. My head exploded with ideas instantly.

I posted this on Blizz forum and they deleted it . ;( I prolly’ put it in the wrong place.

This was an idea I had for woodworking...


PETRIFIED WOOD- this can be obtained from mining
DRIFTWOOD -this can be obtained from fishing
NJORNWOOD- these can be obtained by herbalist (possibly sparkly spots on trees or something)


PITCH extractors can be made by engineers that allow woodworkers to either extract the pitch from trees or stacks of wood much like how ore is prospected and herbs are milled.

How they can benefit other professions;

Miners and blacksmiths or engineers could make Nails,
sandpaper, bolts and rivets.
Leatherworkers could supply leather and belts for various projects
Tailors supply the needed cloth
Enchanters dust and other shiney stuff and so on...
Items to be crafted;
FISHING POLES +200,100,50.
BOBBERS +10 or more
FISHING CHAIR (allows players to sit in a chair a little less cool then the one offered in the TCG game.)
FISHING TACKLE BOX all items related to fishing, chair inc. can be placed in this one magic box to save space!


LEONARDO DaVINCI FLYING MACHINE that's what the game is missing...oh so cool
TROJAN HORSE allows 5 players to ride in this jumbo wooden horse with a cool down ofcourse. there could even be an achievement for it called "Trojan Man"  (don't ban me for that)
BOATS can carry a player a little faster over the water than a mount with water walking
SMALL CAR? powered by mechanical squirrels?


JEWELRY BOX a gem bag of sorts for jewel crafters.
TREASURE CHEST mail or give multiple items to a player in these like gift wrap.
CRATES these are like icey prisms to a jc'er. They can have nails, wood, glue or recipes inside.


WOODEN TRAINING SWORDS these can be BOA items that can increase weapon skill ups on target dummies to a point, can also possibly grant xp. (OLD IDEA)


GARDEN GNOMES these spontaneously come to life and kick you and while in statue form can be punted.
SMALL WOODEN BOY named Pistachio the small boy orc who’s head randomly gets huge AND kicks the garden gnomes and chases cats.
BUNNIES, SQUIRRELS AND CATS these have a chance to come to life and permanently stay that way.
TOY BOATS (per son's request)

Jewelry and Extras:

PENDANTS can be added to neck epics to offer small bonuses
TABLETS these offer a place for all those low level scrolls people pick up. 5 smaller ones can be added by an inscriptionist to this tablet to make one more powerful spell.


PICNIC BASKET you can place all your cooking mats and supplies in this to save bag and bank space. takes one slot instead of 50.
CAMPFIRE your so awesome with the wood everyone is cooking and cooking fast.
TENTS because they are cool, could offer small amount of rested xp.
BUNDLES OF WOOD maybe help other to cook faster...was running out of ideas.

And lastly they could provide these mats for other professions:

wooden dowels, cogs, knobs, levers, wheels, buttons, shoehorns, buckles and syrup/glue.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Sunday Crowd

       I found this in my computer.  My writing instructor in college asked me to write about my biggest pet peve. It was and still is manners, though my views have changed a bit. I have  learned a good company does it's very best to have little for customers to complain about and I realize it is my job to make them happy, or at least try really hard, even if the customer is unreasonable, rude and entitled and I do it with a smile.                    

                                          Doesn’t anyone practice manners anymore?
                                        By: Ozmarelda Korvinos

“Gimme’ a giant pepperoni and a half order of spuds.” She says, chewing her gum obnoxiously while fumbling through her purse. I stand there looking at her blankly until she looks up at me, mirroring my expression. “That’s all!” her head shakes making her double chin quiver as she blurts out at me impatiently. I stand my ground. I will not, I repeat, will not continue on with this order until this “church going uppity pants” says a simple please and thank you. Even if she half mutters it, I’ll be happy. I will press the pay button with my handy-dandy light pen, hand her the drinks and give her tickets to the cook.  

It’s becoming a trend with people these days and like a gallant crusader I plan to battle it, the monster named “ill mannered.” People come to my counter and act like barbaric idiots. They are rude and impatient, offer strained smiles and rarely do I hear these magical words, “may I, no thank you” or a simple, “yes please!” These words have been replaced with, “gimme’, yeah, and hell no!”

The worst part is that for some reason, Sundays are the worst days of all.
One would think that Sunday the church crowd will come in and it will be a nice easygoing day. Birds will come in and sing us songs and Jesus himself will come in and pass the garlic bread and turn our watered down diet Pepsi to White Zinfandel. These church people, so pissed off that they had to pay their tithing, sit in wood pews with whiney hot children for two hours, come into this fine family restaurant with an attitude of biblical proportions, apparently forgetting everything they have just learned. Lessons like doing unto others and the like. They come up to the counter with scrunched up faces and pinched expressions as if they’re coming in to a dentist appointment. These same people will come in and rearrange our tables while glaring at us for having our blessed tables so far apart. How dare we not rearrange our dining area for them because they go to church and God is their best friend.

These same people feel the need to complain about everything. “Do we really need to have football on the television? How about some nice 3ABN?” Keep in mind that this is football season and this is Sunday. Some people go to Abby’s to watch football and they go to church to talk about God and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna’ watch some doe eyed, red-headed lady on television tell me that making sweater vests gets me closer to heaven. I feel that since God just chewed them out for two hours for doing the senseless and immoral, they are coming into this fine family restaurant with a bible-sized chip on their shoulders. No one likes to be humbled. No one likes to recognize their own shortcomings, so leave church and head to this fine family restaurant with a guilty conscience. Maybe   they just got tired and impatient at church. Maybe they just really wanted to be at home watching football or knitting heavenly sweaters while listening to Tammy Faye Baker give testimonials on her gluttonous makeup days.

Nothing is good enough for these people. The coffee is too strong, the chickens too crunchy, they didn’t get enough ranch with their mini pizza or our beets are dyed and we just can’t serve dyed beets. These are just a few of the ridiculous complaints commonly heard on a Sunday.

They also make the worst messes I have ever seen. I didn’t even know people could make messes like these and still call themselves homosapiens! Not only do they rearrange the dining room, but somehow they manage to get salad, ranch, pizza, spuds, chicken, napkins, plates, cups and crayons all over the place. Our highchairs have more food crammed in them than what actually got into the child. Some parents will skip giving the child a plate all together and will in turn just dump the Jell-O and cottage cheese onto the table. I shudder when I see this. These are the same people who wonder why their toddler is always sick with something.

In most cases, a family will try to consolidate their mess into a single pile in the center of the table. I am thinking because they don’t want us to think that they are slobs.
One would think that people would get embarrassed if others saw them leave behind a huge god-awful mess. Not the case on Sundays. These tables look like Slimer from
“Ghost Busters” sprinted through there. They do the same to the salad bar. Sometimes I think they just stuck their faces in the crocks and ate out of them.

All I want is for people to say please and thank you and not start a sentence off with gimme’ this or gimme’ that. You can bet that if their children were to say gimme’ this or gimme’ that to them, that child would be corrected immediately. I want people to ask themselves if it is really necessary to complain about things. I am not saying that complaints are not valid. If we screw up on something than we ought to fix it, but telling us that we shouldn’t serve dyed beets is a bit much. I want parties of thirty to not show up 15 minutes till closing and stay an hour after we’re closed.

I just want people to be courteous and think of others. I want to see some
Goddamned manners! Is that too much to ask?

I stare at this woman in front of me. I listen to her sigh as she looks back at me exasperated. I tilt my head “will that be all for you ma’am?” I say offering a false smile.

“Yeah, I already said that!” she says, replacing her blank stare with confusion. I know that she is asking herself right at this moment, “What the hell is wrong with this girl?” I am asking myself the same thing about her.

“Thank you for being so polite and your manners, well, your parents would be proud! We will have that ready for the trough in 30 minutes.” I say as my manager drags me across the kitchen by my shirt.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

How To Wash A Dog

How to wash a dog
           By: Ozmarelda Korvinos           

    In order to wash a dog you must have one. I have a huge black lab we affectionately call Stinky. 
In washing a dog it is important to have the right shampoo. I prefer flea and tick repelling soaps that smell good. It is no good to wash your dog with butt scented dog shampoo, although dogs prefer this scent to any other.
            Getting yourself ready is a good idea. I prefer to wear a wet suit, complete with snorkel and flippers. Also, taking the toilet paper off the roll and placing it somewhere where the water can’t get all over it is a fabulous idea, unless you like soggy TP.
            Next, fill the tub or basin with the proper amount of water. You would not want to fill the bathtub to the top if you are washing a Chihuahua. This would probably cause your dog to drown. In the event that you do happen to drown the dog, refrain from flushing the dog down the toilet, as it will clog up the drain. Also, filling the tub to the top all the way is a bad idea for any sized dog, as they tend to splash a lot. Remember to remove the sweater from the dog along with any collars, costumes, bling, hats etc. (Especially if you do drown the dog by accident as the sweater will most certainly clog the toilet.)
 Put towels all over the floor to soak up the water that will inevitably spill out of the tub.  Make sure to leave some to use for the drying the dog.
 Next place the dog in the bath.
 Then go get the dog and put him back in the bath.
 Once again, go get the dog and put him back into the bath, holding him firmly by the nape of the neck. For larger dogs, it may require the use of a second person; one to hold the dog, another to scrub. It is acceptable to have a third person handy to tell you that you are doing it all wrong.
Next, place a silver dollar sized dollop of shampoo into your palm, rub your hands together and begin massaging into dogs fir. (For smaller dogs a quarter-sized dollop will suffice). Be sure to get behind dogs ears and belly.
Now, using a bucket, cup or detachable showerhead, gently rinse dog with warm water until all the soap is gone. Repeat the entire process one more time before draining the tub.
Finally, with the dog still in the bath, allow him to shake the water of before you towel dry the dog. You may use a towel to sheild your face at this time. Do not use blow dryers or microwaves to dry the dog off. Also important, do not stick dog in clothes dryer.
Now that your dog is all clean and dry, immediately let him outside to roll around and play in the mud.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Random Thoughts

My list in no particular order of things that are under rated.

Warren Zevon, bagpipes, Micahel Keaton, "Star Man", cursive handwriting, hand written letters, Bill Paxton, All the girls from CSS, Reading Rainbow,Star Gazing, cooking from scratch,  Classical Guitar, natural beauty, virginity,  gardening,  attention spans, thumbs and pinkie toes, plastic 80's charm necklaces, Grand parents, marriage, Mothers, Fathers, Siblings, good kidneys, fresh water, fresh food, dirt, sweat, posture, time. time and more time.  If you had more time...what would you do?

Saying please and thank one does it anymore :(

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bullies Suck But Karma Has Excellent Memory

It seems that now days bullies are all over the news. They have always been in the movies and in literature, but now they are actually getting the attention they deserve… or don’t. I was A bullied kid. No one ever hit me and made me fork over my lunch money; probably because I had free lunch, but I was terrorized in other ways.

From kindergarten to the third grade, I seemed to get along with everyone. I didn’t know yet that my favorite red and white, oversized Snoopy sweater and purple pants were not “cool” together. I didn’t know that being stupidly happy and loving Barbie’s was a mortal sin and I clearly had no idea that being a cute, smart, blonde girl would make so many other girls hate me. I also didn’t know boys teased you if they liked you, and ignored you if they didn’t.

Or that some boys just hated everyone.

At that time, my biggest concern was hoping that I’ll get to watch Punky Brewster or Dark Wing Duck and figuring out how to do those tricks on the jungle gym like all the other girls who could twirl around and around. I tried once and landed on my head.

It was about the third grade that I discovered that there were mean kids.  I was also in the third grade when I started to worry about being fat. Let me make it very clear, I was no where near fat; I was a tiny little thing, but somehow I got it in my head at 8 that I was fat and that feeling never ever left me.

As mentioned in other blogs, in the 4th grade we moved around a lot, 4 times in fact. In some schools, I was the cool new girl who could play soccer and run fast. In others, I was that dumb new girl who can’t do long division and has a bike with a banana seat on it. I never was really able to keep friends for very long because of it.

The real bullshit started in the 5th grade. I suddenly realized my clothes were uncool. Well, I should say that it was brought to my attention. I started giving my mother trouble about what I wanted to wear. I wanted to look like the other girls. We had seven kids and one of them had a fatal disease, we couldn’t afford nice things. I knew this, but the mean girls didn’t.

 I did not know yet that I was not cool.

I visited my father in California for Xmas break. I was to change schools after the break was over back to a school I had attended in the 3rd grade. I was scared I’d have no friends. My dad bought me this really cool jean skirt. It was long and came with a matching over-shirt. It was the nicest, coolest thing I ever had. I obsessed about what I was going to wear for my first day at the new school. I had never done that before. I had never had that fear that I wasn’t going to measure up before. That night I had a dream that I had to go to school, but I spent all my time trying to figure out what to wear and missed my first day. 

In the morning, my mom French braided my thick, blond hair and I chose to wear nylons for the first time ever, with colored tube socks, fake pink converse and the jean outfit my Dad bought me. I didn't know much about makeup being 11, so I stuck with eye watering hot pink blush that my mom had to tone down quite a bit.

When Mrs. Ice walked me to Mrs. Springer’s class, I was excited. Mrs. Springer stood with me at the back of the room and announced that the class had a new student. The whole class turned around and looked at me. I smiled, and waved. I wasn’t nervous at all, I mean I had done this routine a million times before. I could hear the girls whispering and my smile twitched a little.

At recess, on my first day, a girl named Michelle and her sidekick Heidi came over to me and asked me if I thought I was cool.

Yes? I thought, but I could tell that if I said yes, that would probably be the wrong answer,so I looked at the ground at my fake pink converse.

"No?" I said...

"Good!" she said and whipped her long brown hair to the side and walked back to a group of girls hanging out under the monkey bars. They whispered and giggled to themselves. I made myself at home on the soccer field away form them and their gazes…in a long skirt. Yes, I was that cool.

Weeks went by and I had made frienda with the smartest girl in the school who also just lived down the street from me. She was so much more mature than me and an only child. She had her own room and the coolest stuff. She used words I had never heard of and I knew I could ask her anything and she would know the answer. We played the most awesome games.

We clung together. I wasn’t as smart as she was, I was pretty much a fraud and she wasn’t as sporty as I was, but we made it work. We had one thing in common, the other kids hated us.

Whenever Mrs. Springer was absent from the class for any amount of time, the kids used that time to mock me in some way. Once I wore a skirt that I barrowed from my friend and a boy named Clayton made it a point to push desks out of the way to come over to me and say,

"Look at you. Think you’re pretty in that skirt?"

The kids laughed. The girls were huddled in a corner talking about whatever cool kids talk about. I could tell they had sent him over. I just stared down at my desk, I could feel my heart beating in my throat and my eyes and nose began to sting. I prayed to God. “Please don’t let me cry in front of him God! Please!?”

That year my boobs got huge. I was a “B” cup already. I couldn’t help it.  I was still too young to realize how much "they" were drawing attention because the idea of dressing in a way to accentuate them didn't come into my radar yet. I was still playing with Barbie’s for Christ sake; this was the 5th grade! I didn’t realize that the other kids had noticed them and the other non developed girls hated me for it. My friend pointed this out to me one night when I was staying over. I felt horrible.

There was another girl who was over developed and she was much taller and larger than the rest of the girls and also the meanest girl. She was both the ring leader and a lackey. It seems the hierarchy wasn’t completely set in stone yet and Snarla and Michelle often traded places for leadership of the popular girls.

Snarla, was mean to the bone. I was physically scared of her. She was so much bigger than the rest of us, I thought she could pick me up and break me in half. She also was the first of the girls to get acne and my friend and I would make fun of her when we were in the safety of our own homes. It was the only way we could get back at our own private little conversations.

One day Heidi came up to my friend and I while we were racing across the monkey bars.

"Michelle and I aren’t friends anymore," she said. I looked over her shoulder to the pack of hyenas that were looking in our direction. I knew it was a set up. I may have been an idiot, but I caught that really fast. Before I could stop my friend she spouted off with a surprising, "Good, she was a bitch anyway!" My eyes widened. I watched in horror as Heidi smiled, turned and walked over to the group of girls.

"She was lying to you," I said. "They wanted to see what we’d say."

”I don’t care," said my friend and hopped down from the ladder. No sooner had she done that, did Snarla come over to her and punch her in the face.

Heidi had pretended to be my friend once before and got my home phone number and I had gotten prank calls ever since. I wasn’t falling for that crap anymore.

My mom called the school, but it didn’t stop them. At least my mom knew why I cried when I came home from school.

I was cool with the soccer kids. When I was on the field I was an asset. I could run fast, but was a little awkward with the ball. That didn’t matter, as long as I could get to the goal before anyone I was golden.
I didn’t realize spending all that time with the boys made me an outsider even more. They didn’t tease me as much. To them I was someone to pass the ball to and they cheered for me when I made a goal.

The coolest boy in the school, AND the best soccer player, was a kid named Ronnie. He had the most amazing blue eyes and long dark hair. Ronnie was also smart, though I wouldn’t find out how smart until much later. Ronnie befriended me I think out of pity, and often stood up for me to Snarla, who never ever went against Ronnie, not that I ever saw anyway; but if he wasn’t around, she mouthed off, and made threats. Ronnie always sat with her and the other cool guys at lunch. He never sat with me, but after lunch on the playground, we were buddies. Ronnie also had the sharpest wit for a 12 year old. Sometimes he seemed like a small adult. No one could ever come back with anything sharp to say back to him. I wanted to be him. That sounds strange to say coming form a girl, but he was just cool, at least I wouldn’t be teased. I didn’t want to be Snarla because even she had to answer to Ronnie and with the constant squabble over leadership with the girls, I didn’t want to be either of those girls.

I wont put a picture of Ronnie up for obvious reasons, but from here on out, he will be represented by the coolest guy I can think of. Christopher Walken.

One day, my friend and I decided to go to the school and play on the playground. We got to talking like girls do about the mean girls. I grabbed a stick and wrote Michelle loves so and so.  We got a great kick out of that. So we proceeded writing the most horrible things we could think of at 11 about each girl in the mean girl club. One statement included that Snarla was in love with Ronald Regan.

Yeah pretty hateful stuff.

I hated them and I felt good getting revenge in the dirt around the track that encompassed my sanctuary. It was like a protective spell written in runes around the field; meant to keep the mean girls away.

Well…it worked.

That following Monday we were met by a group of crying girls in the hall. One girl threw up and had to go home. I couldn’t help but smile as I walked into class. Mrs. Springer stopped me before I could get to my desk and told me to "knock it off. Just stop it." Oh really? I thought teachers were impartial because she never came to my aid a single time those girls sent me home crying and throwing up.

I realized at that time that teachers are ex popular kids. Not really on our side. The dork side.
Then end of my 5th grade year we had moved and I wouldn’t be going to the same middle school as my friend or the mean girls. I knew I would know some of the kids, but Snarla would be long gone. I was so excited. The last day of fifth grade I planted my knees in the middle of the soccer field, threw my hands up in the air and gave a William Wallace freedom shout he would have been proud of.

If getting held back in school wouldn’t have been considered emotionally detrimental, I would have begged to be held back in the first grade like Mrs. S. wanted. Not because I was an idiot, but because I was not emotionally ready to be in the 6th grade. I was the youngest middle schooler and even the 6 months some kids had on me seemed to put them in a whole other maturity bracket. I still ,STILL played with Barbie’s.

Me in my early Barbie playing Career
  At first things were ok. I knew some of the kids from other schools I had attended and I made some new friends pretty fast. Middle school was so much bigger, there were more people like me there. I fell into line really fast.

I played sports every lunch time, enjoyed the crap out of P.E., played in the band and loved the whole idea of having a locker and going from class to class. That is until going from class to class became a total nightmare.

I developed a new nic-name by the middle of 6th grade. TB sort for titty bouncer. The school called my mom and said I needed a bra. By the 6th grade I was 87 pounds with a “C” cup. Something else weird happened to me too. My hair. My hair went from a beautiful golden blond frock with gentle waves to A CRAZY crazy mass of Einstein, Don King, Beethoven type weirdness. I don’t know what happened. It was straight on the top and curly on the sides and back. This caused me to have a Bozo the Clown look. I couldn’t have bangs because they immediately turned into curls and no matter how much hairspray I used I couldn’t get the huge flower poof the other girls were sculpting their hair into. My hair always looked messy and unkempt. the hairspray gave me acne and dandruff. I also started to develop more muscle than other girls. My claves were huge. I looked like I lifted weights. My arms were well defined and I almost had a six pack at 12.

Look for the one with the weirdest hair (not my step dad with the mullet) and you'll find me.

I really became aware that my clothes were old and out of style. I began hearing remarks like;
"Nice shirt, is that on backwards?”
“Did you get that at goodwill?”
“Your mom shops at K-mart.”

Sometimes the girls would come up to me an tussle my hair or sniff me and runaway saying I smelled bad. Once a girl tussled my hair and another girl told her that she better wash her hands because I was gross.

What was gross? I didn’t make eye contact with them.

I was ugly, and when I made eye contact, they made a face at me or said something mean. I just kept my face down.

By 7th grade, I was known in the sports world as a contender. In class I was known as a “know it all” and in the halls I was a geek. My boobs earned me the slut title by some. You could hear my name being called out and mocked as I walked by, but again, that all changed on the soccer field or when we played soft ball or even football. It was the only time I felt like I was worth anything. I wanted to be a boy. Everything seemed so much easier for them. Me being the idiot I was actually said out loud that I wanted to be a boy to a friend in PE, and then the rumors flew that I was a lesbian. At that time I didn’t even know what that word meant so I wasn’t too offended, but I did know what a slut was, and I wasn’t one of those.

By 8th grade, I wanted to kill myself or kill someone else. I thought I was fat and ugly and an idiot.  My hair was even worse then before, my boobs wouldn’t stop growing. It seemed like every class I walked into some kid had to give me hard time about something. We could be doing silent reading and I would hear my name being belched or whispered, or screeched in some mocking manner.  Spitballs found their way into my hair. One time a boy named Joey even flipped my shirt up. Actually I think that happened a few times.  And a few other things happened to...

Sometimes the girls would let up on me and I could walk down the hall without too much trouble, but then Snarla transferred to my school and life got worse.

She didn’t shoot up to instant fame. Nope at first she was just the new girl. But it wasn’t long before she had something in common with the other girls.


I heard her tell them how she went to school with me somewhere else and what a tard I was there.
Meanwhile, the altercations grew worse and more physical. Girls would yank on my hair while I was reading in the library. Sometimes they went Oz hunting and would track me down where I was hiding on the rainy days when I wasn’t playing sports. They’d mock me, yank the book form my hands and toss them. Once after school, when I was waiting for my grama to come get me, some new kid, came up behind me, his cousin Molly who was one of the popular girls, in tow. I heard her say to him, “What about her?" and when I turned to face her, she had this sick grin on her face. I stopped. I don’t know why I didn’t keep going; morbid curiosity maybe? I just felt cemented to the ground, like I couldn’t move. He touched my hair; it was rock solid from all the hair spray in it from my desperate attempts to make my hair behave. Did I mention my grama even gave me afro sheen for my blond curly hair in an ettempt to weight it down? All that did was make me break out.

The boy said "If you lit a lighter around this one, she’ll blow up.' and he produced a lighter. A pink lighter which he thumbed the wheel making a scratching noise as it ground on the flint.
I made eye contact with this kid. I was taller than him and had way more muscle. I could have easily kicked his ass, but no. I walked away as they laughed. I took way bigger boys down in “smear the queer”. (sorry all, that’s what the football like game was called and I didn’t know what it meant!)
He followed, clicking the lighter.

I ran like an idiot.

To my delight, Ronnie appeared. I swear to god I didn’t even know he went to that school. He must have transferred over and I just never saw him. We both stopped in our tracks…I had to refrain from showing how fucking happy I was to see him.  I turned to look and that little bastard with the lighter vanished with his cousin close behind.

The remainder of the school year Ronnie didn’t spend a bunch of time standing up for me or anything, but the classes I had with him, were the only classes where I had any peace. No one fucked with me as long as I sat by him and his buddy Ben, whom by the way, I had a huge crush on for years and years.  When I talk about being tested for tag in middle school in previous blogs, I was in the same testing round with Ronnie.  It was clear we didn't fit in, but we were both smart enough to be there.

In High School I was teased pretty badly at first, but I started hanging out with a tougher crowd and the taunts lessoned. One girl in particular was especially bad; Kristin S., she was as bad as Snarla.

Just a truly horrible bitch.

She was the one who started the rumor I was a lesbian, and a slut. She was the worst offender in middle school and apparently over summer vacation into the 9th grade she had decided she really didn’t like me for whatever reason. As long as I was in my protective bubble of leather wearing, Marlboro smoking band of friends, she kept her mouth shut. Alone… and she had something nasty to say.

Now in school there were two levels of Stoners, with whom I was associated with. The cooler stoners mostly Juniors and Seniors hung out at a place called Hodges. This is where Ben and Ronnie Hung out. Me, I was not quite as cool and I was stuck hanging out in Caveman Corner by the Swimming Pool. It was a rare privilege as a freshman to get to hangout at Hodges Corner with the cool kids.

These two places were like “base” on breaks and lunch and the Asshats couldn’t bother us there. I say US because each of us alone was bullied by the same assholes, but together…we were a force to be reckoned with. Or so we thought anyway.

Still I had very few classes with my friends. I was forced to sit in class with Kristen and my sports nemesis, and Prom Queen Lindsay H. while they resurrected the 5th grade tactic of terrorism by giggling at me in the corner or making faces. They even accused me of being a devil worshipper so I made some fake blood and brought it to school and threatened to throw it on them. I told them it was goats blood and I had cursed them; they were going to be fat, ugly housewives now.

Ok yeah…so pretty dark and random stuff.

This time in my life was pretty difficult. Not just because of these horrible brainless, classless little bitches, but because my parents were getting a divorce, my sister was dying, puberty was happening, and some other pretty bad shit was going down that I can’t even talk about here. I also managed to get some shit head boyfriend to help me screw things up for myself as well. I thought of suicide every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY. I wanted to go to school and go all Carrie on all of them.

By my Senior Year I had very little to do with the Assholes. I had a baby. Opted to go to an alternative center where I graduated with a real High School Diploma and got the hell out of there.
For years, I always felt like no one liked me. That people were talking about me. That I was a dork, a loser, a fatty. I believed I was fat so much that I gagged myself after I ate. Wait, wasn’t this supposed to be over? High School was over…who was picking on me now?


It wasn’t until college that I realized that people DO like me. I am funny. I am smart. I am as cool as Ronnie, and I can whip up some ball breaking, awesome comebacks.

Yeah that's me. The cool kid in the super sexy awesome badass glasses I found in the glovebox of my smokin (literally) Camaro.

I ran into some of the girls that teased me so bad in school and guess what; all that glitter and gold they had way back when, is gone now. For Kristin, it appears that my fake goat blood curse worked. I ran into her at her place of employment. I thought, maybe she’d changed, maybe she had grown up, but nope and it was everything I could do not to tell her what a horrible bitch she was in front of everyone.

But, I have to be an adult now.

I have come across a lot of those kids that teased me then and their lives aren’t that spectacular. Being popular only matters in High School. Don’t get me wrong, there are bullies in the grown up world too, but as adults there are ways to beat them and it’s not with your fists, IT’S WITH YOUR MIND!

If you’re one of the bullied and teased, I just want you to know, that those kids…they don’t matter unless you let them matter. After High School they become fat housewives, strippers, child molesters, PE teachers who don’t know they aren’t cool anymore, crack whores, rehab hotties and meter readers. It’s the art nerds who have the cool jobs. It’s the geeks that design your video games and run multi billion dollar companies such as Blizzard Entertainment. It’s the Nerds that are your bosses. It’s the stoners that clean up their act and own businesses while the cool kids end up on welfare or in dead end jobs because being cool was everything to them. Karma pays these kids back. This I promise you.

I look back now and realize that those kids were popular because others were afraid of them. Why? because they had better comebacks and the almost magical ability to make you look stupid no matter what you said? Yup! That pretty much sums it up. So in reality...they are better at being total douchebags than you are, better at looking for the negetive in everything, better at manipulating people. Now that you know this, ignore their bullshit. If you ignore it, they don't have power over you. Yeh, It sucks when you hear people laughing at you because you have a crooked tooth, or big boobs or a galaxy of freckles, and you're not the only one being picked on either. The next time some fucker says something rude to you in the hall and his/her douchebag friends laugh...imagine that the lead fucker grows up to be a 40 year old, alcoholic, divorcee living with his mother sharing stories about how he was awesome at football to any drunk bastard that will listen. He doesn't pay his child support and hits on younger girls who think he's creepy. Suddenly what he says about you doesn't matter because beng mean, though it is a skill,  will only drag you down. After you have imagined him fat and balding, forgive him, for he is pathetic now and will always be.

To those who aren’t being teased, be a Ronnie, stand up for someone who is. You have no idea the difference you make. You might be the only thing stopping a kid from making a terrible, terrible mistake.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bar Fishing

Adult Play 
    By: Ozmarelda Korvinos, I wrote this my first year in college and decided to share.

                  WARNING: Do not read if you haven’t got a twisted sense of humor!

 As a former longtime cocktail waitress and bartender I have observed a wide variety of human, adult behaviors, most of which I cannot write about lest I risk getting kicked out of class. One of the most common interactions I have observed is a little game I call, “Bar Fishing.”

Bar Fishing is easy. It takes two (or for the brave more) people, some watered down alcohol, the smoke filled bar or club of your choice, bad breath, body sweat, loud music and alas more alcohol. Here’s the best part about Bar Fishing, the people you’re playing with don’t even have to know they’re participating!

Playing is simple if not highly juvenile. Here’s how it is played. First, a man or woman (we’ll say man for the time being) goes into a bar or club. This is preferably one he’s been to before so he feels somewhat comfortable. He should walk in the door with confidence, but should not make any direct eye contact with anyone at this time. Immediate eye contact by a male commands presence and can seem intimidating if not downright creepy. It says, ” Hey look at me! I am a serial killer! I will put Rohypnol in your drink and you will wake up dressed like a schoolboy in my freezer!” Not a good way to score. Do not worry, there will be a time and place for eye contact.

Next, the man must find a seat close to the dance floor, somewhat close to the bathroom and must have a reasonably good view of the tables and people around him.

Once our fisherman has found a suitable place to sit, he goes through a period of observation. He must scan the room with his eyes in a sprinkler type motion so as not to make any unwanted or accidental eye contact, but still be able to spot any available “hotties”. 

Availability is an important part of the game for a man, as the rules are different for a man than a woman. A man does not, I repeat, does not want to initiate in the game with a woman who is not available or otherwise spoken for. This may result in another man wanting to play a new and exciting game with him called, “Plastic Surgery” or “Dentist.” These are not fun games and again, will not help him score.

Once he has scanned the room for available “hotties”, the fun can begin. Now the man must strut to the bathroom or the bar, whichever happens to cross the “hotties” path, in an attempt to gain her attention. At this time he may suck in, flex, and engage in mildly dramatic eye contact. This is called Casting out and is totally appropriate. It is important for him to refrain from winking or flickering his tongue in a serpent like fashion. This is about as cool as flagellating and also will not help him score.

If the girl sees him cast out and she’s accepting his bait she may do one of several things. It is important for him to know the signs of bait acceptance and bait refusal.Scrunching her nose up and whispering to her friend, “Oh my god, that guy with the mullet and leisure suit is sooowuh staring me down!!” is not a good sign of bait acceptance. Approaching her now may be devastating to his ego. If she happens to smile at him or play with her hair, he may repeat the casting out a few more times to be sure. Sometimes baiting girls can be tricky and bait refusal can appear to be bait acceptance. It’s ok to cast out a few times just to be sure.

Now, if the girl stands up, bends over and exposes her thong underwear above her low-rise jeans, the man should approach her immediately as thong underwear purposely pointed in a mans direction is a clear indicator of bait acceptance.

Now that he has a bright purple pair of thong underwear pointed in his direction, he may walk over to his potential prize and initiate in conversation. A little “Hey Baby, wuz up?” is appropriate. He should say something nice about her and her friends. Girls fall for this kind of talk “hook line and sinker”. “Hey Baby, what’s your sign?” is outdated and “Hey Baby, I wanna’ butter your muffin.” is a sure way to get him slapped or kneed. Getting slapped or kneed in a bar can be a good or bad thing in bar fishing. It can gain you sympathy from the rival “hotties”, or can get you banned if this particular “hottie” happens to have a lot of “hottie” friends. It is wise to avoid being slapped altogether.

Girls have a different set of rules. For instance, Girls may approach an unavailable man. This makes the game more interesting. Also, when a guy has accepted the bait, more often than not, the accepting male will approach the “fisher girl”. This is called “Reeling In”. He may also choose to bait her as well and the game will continue on in this way for most of the evening with the two baiting and casting out back and forth.

As a cocktail waitress I have a group of regular “Bar Fishers” that come in play frequently. I have even been baited myself by the “master baiter”. However, early on in the game I decided “Bar Fishing” was not the game for me, as I am getting too old for such things and I do not own a single pair of thong underwear. Now I play mainly as observer and “Game Warden”. Under this job title I say things like, “Girl that guy was in here with Jaime Getaround last night. Don’t you dare!!” In my position, I know who’s been with whom and caught what from where.

After trying “Bar Fishing” for a while it is my hopes that one will grow up and take on more adult play like “reel” fishing. In the mean time, have fun, be safe and fish on!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day And Other Random Stuff

Happy May Day All! We busted our asses today planting cucumbers, pumpkins, corn, tomatoes, carrots yadda yadda.  I  was so beat I was passed by a turtle on the way back up the mountain.

 I'm too tired to write, but a couple things came to mind I had to jot down that have nothing to do with May Day or flowers or Sweden or unicorns. 

Random weird idea #1) I think there needs to be a Starman 2 and I know who would be PERFECT for the roles. I even dabbled with a script here and there. I know there was a rather forgettable TV series that was supposed to finish telling the original Starman story in the 80's, but it was cancelled and I was never satisfied that the story was complete.  Starman 2 wouldn't have to even include the series at all. It would be so bad ass if the orignal actors could come back as well. Jeff Bridges and Karen Allen were dynamic. The story could be about Starman's son played by Tom welling..or something. I don't know. But come on....wouldn't it be amazing?

Zoey Daschnell and Tom Welling
 Anyway, hello...people who make things happen in the movie world...Starman 2...make it happen.

Random weird idea #2) Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Matt Damon somehow had a baby and that baby is Michael C. Hall. 


Michael C Hall Sporting a very Hoffman like beard. It's fabulous!
Talent, good looks, humour....bad ass beard.

Lets see the beard again....

Nope, that's not it....

OMG Is this even possible?

P.S. Hoffman o0!
There we go! The mighty Red Beard!

Random weird idea #3) Nothing against Kristin Stewart, but in all reality...Jennifer Carpenter should have played Joan Jett. I mean, they have the same sideways smile, body language and tougher than nails persona. Just a thought induced by mild heat stroke.

Look there's Dexter again...7 degrees of Michael C. Hall? Not yet...

Ok so that's it.