So, WarCraft sucked me back in after almost 6 months of vacation. It started with an e-mail I thought was a scam. "Come Join us Ozmarelda for a Seven Day Free Trial." The e-mail sat in my inbox for a while. But every time I checked to See what Karate Unicorn was up to, there it a beating heart...pulsing. The Viking got one too that he had been trying to ignore as well. Then one day we buckled. There we were sitting at our desk checking our e-mails when suddenly, we looked at each other, making direct eye contact and somehow knew without saying a word that we needed to activate this seven day trial. It had to be done.
Upon logging in, I was supposed to see that all of my toons still had their clothes on. There they were, staring at me. The 5 sisters who were transferred to Grizzly Hills from Arygos against their will then left alone in the black void created by the guildageddon inevitably brought on by really bad players, ridiculous changes, a terrible immature and inexperienced server and an overly "nice and accommodating" guild leader. The guild was pretty empty. The few surviving members of our guildageddon shown like green nebulas against the pitch black space when I opened the roster. The guild bank seemed....dusty.
Trade chat was still ridiculous, but most servers have their trolls and retards and trade chat queens and kings who scream for attention like unloved children. I ignored the retardation and looked around at a few things, but still...I found I had no desire to be there. I did miss my friends. I had a lot of friends on many servers, whom Blizzards real-ID allowed me to still talk to so I hit them up to say HI! before I dissappeared again.
Whats this you say? A whole new area has opened up? Dailies? blech.
What? They are cool dailies like the on the Isle of QD?
OOOh new gear?
What? More gold?
New mounts?This interested me. I had to see what this new place was all about. Now, if you ahve ever rolled with me for any length oftime you'd know how much I hate dailies. I hate dailies so much that I still have never gotten exalted with the Kaluak or the Oracles, or the Netherwing people, or Ogrilla or anyone on purpose. I hate dailies, especially the Oracles because I had to fly all over the effing place. But, I was going to suck it up and give these new dailies a shot.
The quests start out in Hyjal and for some reason my Hunter who had half of those quests completed had to start from scratch. I assumed maybe the quest lines had changed so I did them again with the viking. To my surprise there was a lot of new stuff going on. I even had to save Thrall and once again he is totally not going to remember me, but that quest line was awesome. I have a toon crush on Thrall and I don't care if I am alliance. Rippling hard body of green muscles...Expressive sky blue eyes. Looking at him is like looking at the rolling green hills of Ireland against the ..(record scratch)
Moving on...
Anyway, once I had phased into the new area called Firelands, I was able to see some of the new stuff Blizz had come out with.
Holy shit.
There are fire spiders, and fiery druid lions and druid bears, OH MY! And, the dailies are not ridiculous. I mean it, I did not sped a ton of time doing them and I didn’t have to run all over the effing place and the rewards you can get for doing them....amazing. (jazz hands)
So we explored the place some more, accidentally got an achievement called "King of Spider Hill" which was fun as hell to do. I must say, everyone needs to get this achieve or at least try.
What's this? ZG and ZA my all time favorite instance next to Kara have been made into 5 man heroics? And even better I can run with my friends on Arygos and Icecrown if they are on my realID? There are new mounts? There's a reward for tanks and healers (sometimes DPS) if they tank randoms so the wait time is less retarded for DPS? No way.
I ran with my old friends form Arygos and some of the friends I had made on the Hills and it was awesome. A perfect balance except for me noobing it up because I couldn't remember rotation or skills. I am still very skiddish to attempt tanking again for a while since I beat my head against the wall so many times in the heroics before. At least on my hunter if the group is terrible I don't feel like I am responsible for it.
The Viking renewed my account. I was still hesitant, but he was not and so I decided I'd give Blizz 30 days to win me back as 7 days was just not enough. Slowly my guild came back to life. One by one guildies who had left after the guildageddon began logging on. Guild chat was alive again, vent was reactivated....conversations were happening. Some of the players who were shit terrible now out geared me and were schooling me on rotations. This is good I thought.....I,m not holding hands. I like I like!
and then it happened....
I effing tamed Sambas. That bastard cat I had been hunting for forever landed right in front of me in Twilight Highlands and so did the rare cat in Zul Drak, and the bear in Grizzly Hills, and the spirit cat in Schollazar. Then I discovered Winterspring has new pets and a mount you can get and the daily grind is not too horrible though I probably still won’t do it.
Ok Blizzard, you win for now. You applied pressure on all of my weak points. I give I give! Friends, pets, old raids, mounts, fun achieves, new goodies and gear. Now...if you can update the holiday events and implement wood working as a trade I'll be hooked for good lol.
Speaking of woodworking. I remember a few Blizzcons back woodowrking was once again brought up and the developers said they just couldn't seem to make it viable. My head exploded with ideas instantly.
I posted this on Blizz forum and they deleted it . ;( I prolly’ put it in the wrong place.
This was an idea I had for woodworking...
PETRIFIED WOOD- this can be obtained from mining
DRIFTWOOD -this can be obtained from fishing
NJORNWOOD- these can be obtained by herbalist (possibly sparkly spots on trees or something)
DRIFTWOOD -this can be obtained from fishing
NJORNWOOD- these can be obtained by herbalist (possibly sparkly spots on trees or something)
PITCH extractors can be made by engineers that allow woodworkers to either extract the pitch from trees or stacks of wood much like how ore is prospected and herbs are milled.
How they can benefit other professions;
Miners and blacksmiths or engineers could make Nails,
sandpaper, bolts and rivets.
sandpaper, bolts and rivets.
Leatherworkers could supply leather and belts for various projects
Tailors supply the needed cloth
Enchanters dust and other shiney stuff and so on...
Items to be crafted;
FISHING POLES +200,100,50.
BOBBERS +10 or more
FISHING CHAIR (allows players to sit in a chair a little less cool then the one offered in the TCG game.)
FISHING TACKLE BOX all items related to fishing, chair inc. can be placed in this one magic box to save space!
LEONARDO DaVINCI FLYING MACHINE that's what the game is missing...oh so cool
TROJAN HORSE allows 5 players to ride in this jumbo wooden horse with a cool down ofcourse. there could even be an achievement for it called "Trojan Man" (don't ban me for that)
BOATS can carry a player a little faster over the water than a mount with water walking
SMALL CAR? powered by mechanical squirrels?
JEWELRY BOX a gem bag of sorts for jewel crafters.
TREASURE CHEST mail or give multiple items to a player in these like gift wrap.
CRATES these are like icey prisms to a jc'er. They can have nails, wood, glue or recipes inside.
WOODEN TRAINING SWORDS these can be BOA items that can increase weapon skill ups on target dummies to a point, can also possibly grant xp. (OLD IDEA)
GARDEN GNOMES these spontaneously come to life and kick you and while in statue form can be punted.
SMALL WOODEN BOY named Pistachio the small boy orc who’s head randomly gets huge AND kicks the garden gnomes and chases cats.
BUNNIES, SQUIRRELS AND CATS these have a chance to come to life and permanently stay that way.
TOY BOATS (per son's request)
Jewelry and Extras:
PENDANTS can be added to neck epics to offer small bonuses
TABLETS these offer a place for all those low level scrolls people pick up. 5 smaller ones can be added by an inscriptionist to this tablet to make one more powerful spell.
PICNIC BASKET you can place all your cooking mats and supplies in this to save bag and bank space. takes one slot instead of 50.
CAMPFIRE your so awesome with the wood everyone is cooking and cooking fast.
TENTS because they are cool, could offer small amount of rested xp.
TENTS because they are cool, could offer small amount of rested xp.
BUNDLES OF WOOD maybe help other to cook faster...was running out of ideas.
And lastly they could provide these mats for other professions:
wooden dowels, cogs, knobs, levers, wheels, buttons, shoehorns, buckles and syrup/glue.