Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Best Cover Letter Ever Written

Wow, it's been a long time since I have written in this blog. I have got some serious weeding to do! In my absence a lot has happened. I was promoted a couple times, got married to longtime boyfriend "The Viking" and a year later, unceremoniously quit my job of 8 years. What I was not prepared for at all was exactly how much the job market has changed, how much the rules for looking for a job have changed, how much my age actually does impact the types of job I am seriously considered for and how I am treated throughout the process. But..more on that later.

After weeks of hitting the pavement, job searching via the inter-webs, going through interview after interview, I decided to take a break form the grind and have a little fun with it. So, after a day full of reading rejection letters and tweaking my resume, I drafted this fantastic cover letter for my dream job which I feel truly exemplifies what a shining example of adulting in the new millennia looks like.

Hola Bitchachos,

Thank you for your consideration of me as candidate for employment within your fine establishment.  I would like to take this opportunity to further outline my qualifications and highlight some areas that I feel will strongly support your organizational goals.

I am fluent in Typo-nese, English, Russian, Swedish, Klingon, Profanity and Drunk-text
I am able to type “Star Wars” entirely with my left hand
I will let you talk about yourself, pets and grandkids all day long
Endless knowledge of Star Wars, Firefly, Star Trek, MST3K, D&D, WoW, GOT,  Felicia Day and Unicorns
My training as raid leader has led to the unnatural skill of being able to take super -fast bathroom breaks
Master of the Vulcan Neck Pinch

I am winner of such prestigious awards as
v  The 1989 Payless Drug Store Easter Colouring Contest
v  1992 VanDeWarker Family Farting Contest
v  2015 Keeper of the Flame Award (picture of me kissing the award available upon request)

Rest assured that should you choose me to for this position you can expect : Boundless energy, glitter in my keyboard, glitter in your keyboard, random stray cat hairs (I don’t own any indoor cat’s I just attract the hairs), disco tourettes,  Nathan Fillion Trivia, plethora of unicorn figurines,  a super friendly smile that’s not in any way creepy or unsettling, Warren Zevon trivia, high fives,  a ridiculously fast coffee retriever, a tiny desktop succulent farm, Mustache Mondays and finally, sinister jazz hands.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

'IwlIj jachjaj

Ozmarelda Körvinöas Chamberlain
Mother of Unicorns, Rider of Dragons