This is a dramatic reenactment of an actual conversation between a bawz and their subordinate. The Bawz had been trying desparetly to get the subs picture for PR, but it seemed getting a shot of bigfoot was easier.
Bawz: I tried to find you on facebook but couldn't find you. Anyway- we need a picture for our PR team.
Sub: Me? I'm on facebook...hmm can it be any picture?
Bawz: You must be clothed- you are on facebook? You are in super stea;th mode then.
Bawz: Much like that L was in stealth mode just then.
Bawz: It was like Hi fucker you can't see me. I'm the Rambo of the alphabet. I can be silent- I can be invisible....Take the word colonel for example. See me in there? Yes you do, but I have the super fucking ability to make you pronounce me as an R beotch. What now?
Sub: what?
Bawz: See how I can blend in? Like here >>> L7<<< POW! Bet you thought I was a square just then. I'm shaking things up.
Bawz: Here I am again...stea;thy like in...... LlAMA.<<<<POW! What am I? Am I an "L" or an "I" or HOLY SHIT.... I can even be a #1. omg. I can be anywhere!
Bawz: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII <<<Was that an "L" or an underscore? You will never know. You will never know where I might be hiding next or what form I can take.
Sub: That was totally random and....probably the stupidest thing I have ever read.
Bawz: Excellent- now about that picture? You gonna send it in or?
Sub: it's in your in-box now.
Bawz: Great because my next step was to sta;k you and take a picture of you pooping.
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