Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Special Easter Catastrophy

I am not very skilled in Holliday preparedness. In fact, it can be said that I am painfully awkward. Last night I was trying to be good. I made a bunch of potato salad and baked a cake....but, I got really into something on TV and started to smell this weird rubbery-burney smell.


 We will just say that's where the bunny pooped em out right?

So I decided  that I' will hide these REALLY good. Like Osama Bin Laden good. Like Jimmy Hoffa and the Holy Grail good.

 We decided we could fix the eggs and came up with a plan. We would rebuild the eggs. We had the technology.

Thanks god a skilled scientist was on hand in the lab to oversee the egg dying and restoration project.

Coloring the eggs took dozens of logged manhours and a very careful set up in the laboratory. One tiny mistake in the solution could be CATASTROPHIC.
Meanwhile I was busy making a carrot cake which led to another disaster. For some reason it broke into millions of tiny peices. I have successfully held them together with glue and frosting.

As you can see eggcellent plastic surgery and a good dye job gave Bunny Cotton Tail a new lease on life.

Hoppy Easter!

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