Wednesday, November 2, 2011

CareBear Stare

So I was in serious need of a good ol Fashioned CareBear Stare. I look back on my posts over the last year and realize what a selfish, ungrateful total bitch I am.  And if you had asked me if I thought I was a good person, I would have said yes. I wasn't. I'm not. I have a lot of growing and learning to do which is mainly why I created this blog. Well, that and I was delusional and thought maybe people would find my narcissistic ramblings humorous and to a degree they are, but re-reading some of them is painful and not just because of the grammatical errors and terrible puns. Growing hurts. I took some time off from blogging and gaming and have been doing some soul searching. I realized that my posts had been increasingly negative, pitiful, and I had been walking around with this poor me chip on my shoulder for far too long. I have been more negative at home and at work and it took a while for me to find the root of it all.


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