Monday, March 7, 2011

SparkleFingers and the Abyss!

Blogging is a lot like interpretive dance. You either "get" it or you don't. I know that I will never be a  Unicorn,

a queen or even a princess.

I 'll never be a famous artist, dancer or writer. I'll never be a famous anything, but still I have some comfort in knowing that my words are getting cemented into some pixilated information highway. Sometime in the distant future, UNLESS SKYNET BECOMES A REALITY, a weary traveler will get lost on this endless, twisting highway (because of a defunct Tom-Tom) and will  find themslves in a ghost town of blogs.

They will stumble upon these words and they will ask themselves...."Really? How much was therapy back then?"  as a tumbleweed of misused commas blow by.  In the distance a hungry pack of Verbs can be heard howling. Because this traveller got lost, they found me and I am alive again, for a few moments more. To dance across your horizon and your eyes follow me from left to write.
It's okay if people don't get me, or interpretive dance, or peanut butter and cheese sandwiches, or Flintstone feet, or Beethoven Hair, or fart jokes. It's okay. I'm not one size fits all. You're not one size fits all. My own parents don't get me. Somebody out there, in the twisting nether, is gonna' recognize themselves in these mindless babbles. To them I say, "Welcome! Now show me your best sparkle fingers!"

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